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In Northwestern United States
and Canada

In May 2002 with Lucky press author, Doctor Gloria Gilbčre N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D. Chris toured the Pacific Northwest. Gloria Gilbčre is a pioneer in the treatment of chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, food allergies, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, leaky gut syndrome, colon disorders and autoimmune disorders.

If you or a loved one suffer from any of these conditions, or suspect that symptoms that have defied diagnosis could be connected with chemical sensitivities or disorders of the digestive tract, you must visit her website at  You will find the site packed with information and you can buy her books I was poisoned by my body and Invisible Illnesses and learn about new books scheduled for publication. You can also see where Doctor Gilbčre will be talking in the future. I would urge anybody to attend her talks if they can. She is a great motivational speaker; her own story of overcoming serious illness is inspiring. Even if you are lucky enough not to suffer from any of the conditions in which she specializes her message concerning the way we are poisoning our bodies and environment with off the shelf products deserves to be heard. If you see she is talking in your area, make the time to go and hear her.

So what connection does a leading doctor have with an historic fiction writer apart from having the same publisher? That's an easy question... aviation. Amongst her other qualifications, Gloria Gilbčre is an accomplished pilot. She used her skills as an aviator for many years while working in the poorest parts of Mexico. What Gloria does not know about short field operations and bush flying is probably not worth knowing. Perhaps you might hear about the unusual use of a barbed wire fence as an emergency arrester system, or how to cope with heavy loads and hot and high landing strips.

For three weeks Chris and Gloria "barnstormed" through Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Idaho. Chris talked at two major USAF bases and in bookstores on the subject of the pioneer years, while Gloria lectured to packed venues. throughout the area. They will be joining forces again in the future.

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