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Fletcher School 

Dear Mr. Chris Davey,

I want to express my appreciation for the time and effort you so generously donated by addressing two different groups of students at Fletcher Middle School on Friday, Feb 21. With all the activities surrounding the Much Ado About Books convention and your limited time in Jacksonville, I especially commend you for spending an entire day at two of our beaches schools.  February 21,2003 was a SPECIAL DAY at Fletcher Middle, thanks to you! 

You made an invaluable contribution to our students with your enthusiastic support and emphasis on the importance of writing. Employing a fervent but casual, relaxed, and humorous manner of speaking, you very effectively communicated your interest in aviation and its impact on your passion for writing. You clearly exemplified how to channel three important aspects in your life, such as interest in aeronautics, fascination with World War I aircraft and the era in general, and the overwhelming desire to write into one amazing outlet: a finished masterpiece! Furthermore, you conveyed the idea that if the completed project is personally fulfilling and of interest to other people, continue to be creative (write another story) and possibly try another genre.  Challenging the students to take risks by sharing thoughts and words that are precious to them with other people may very well motivate them to at least CONSIDER, becoming a serious writer.

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